Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ryleigh makes it to 20 months

I say that Ryleigh "makes it" to 20 months because her Father and I have been trying really hard to get her there these past few months.  As in, we've been trying really hard not to lock her in another room and forget about her.

I say that with lots of love : )

Obviously we LOVE our stubborn little lady, but she is becoming increasingly difficult.  What happened to my perfect baby that slept through the night at such a young age and ate whatever mashed up goodness I spoon fed her?!  Now it's crying and whining over every single thing.  Tantrums on top of tantrums, hitting, and telling Mommy "no".  Excuse me, but since I became "The Mom", NO ONE tells me "no".  There are days I just want to pull out my hair and better yet, lock myself in another room.  The worst part of all this is...I'm pregnant.  Which means, no wine : /

But then there are the good days.  When she is so heart-whelmingly adorable.  When she kisses my boo-boos, listens when I tell her no, doesn't hit Lucy in the face, and eats her dinner without a fight.  I know God plants these days into my week strategically.  Just when I think I'm going to toss her out the car window, she melts my heart and my patience is back at square one again.     

It's hard to believe that in just 4 short months she will be 2 years old...and in 7 1/2 months she'll be a big sister.  She has really grown into a toddler these past months.  Her vocabulary grows by the day.  She can now say "outside", "school", "play", "banana" and she even says little sentences, like "where it go?"  She is also singing her ABC's (although not all the letters are understandable, she's getting there) and she sings along to songs on the radio in the car.  Our little girl has definitely got some rhythm!  She has tons of energy and LOVES pushing her shopping cart all over the house.  She likes to rock her babies and is still fascinated by books. 

Even though she's a toddler now, Mommy still makes sure to get in some cuddle time every night when we calm down before bed.  We sit on the sofa, cuddle under the blanket and watch a cartoon.  I'll be sad the day she decides she doesn't want to do this anymore.  But until then, I'll keep cuddling.

Here are some pictures and videos of Ryleigh over these last few months.  Enjoy the cuteness.

Ryleigh enjoys Ruffles & French Onion Dip....her Momma's daughter for sure

my poor sick baby : (

Ryleigh enjoys one of her favorite foods

Daddy teaching Ryleigh to golf

so independent

Mommy's Mother's Day gifts

our car trip home from Buffalo


singing along to her jams

Ryleigh loves to play with her water table

a face only a Mother could love : )

our little fishy

Ryleigh showing Lucy the new baby

Ryleigh enjoys the rainstorm from the porch

too cool

enjoying some "frozen yogurt"

Ryleigh loves watching Bubble Guppies

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Lucy turns 3!

Lucy on her big day : )

It's hard to believe that it has already been 3 years since Lucy was born.  She was only 10 weeks old when we brought her home, a mere 17 pounds.  These past 3 years with her have been amazing and I can't imagine our life without her in it.  I can't imagine Ryleigh's life without her in it.  I love watching them put each other in their places.  Lucy has no problem knocking Ryleigh down (gently) when she needs to and Ryleigh has no problem sticking that little finger in Lucy's face and telling her off when she needs to.  Everyday she brings joy to us and we look forward to many many days with her!

We celebrated this year the same as last year.  We went to Maxie B's, a bakery here in Greensboro.  They have delicious cakes and of course, delicious pup cakes for our birthday pooch. 

Lucy was so excited that she somehow made it in the trunk!

MMMM...birthday pup cakes for Lucy

Ryleigh's birthday cupcake.  She picked it out herself.

I think she's enjoying it

Lucy waiting for her bite of pink cupcake

Waiting patiently....

...Ryleigh says "I don't think so Goose!"

Lucy's birthday aftermath

...the food coma...

Lucy spent the rest of the night lounging around.  I'm sure those pup cakes created a nice little brick in her belly.  But she enjoyed it while it was happening!  Here are some of our favorite pictures of Lucy from the past year....Enjoy!!

she had found another use for Ryleigh's playmat

clearly showing each other who's boss

the only safe place...away from that baby

poor Goose, trapped inside

Trick-Or-Treating with Ryleigh

seeing Ryleigh to the car on her first day of Daycare

all bundled up on a cold afternoon

hiding from the Christmas madness

shhh, don't tell Grandad she was sleeping in his chair

Daddy pile-up!!

fascinated by the garbage truck

true Lucy form