Sunday, July 14, 2013

Cooper is Six Months!!!!!!

Cooper at Six Months
(July 14, 2013)

Six Months.  Half of a year.  How can time be going this quickly?!  Our little Cooper started this past month off by rolling over for the first time.  Since then, there has been no looking back for him.  He rolls all over the place!  We have actually moved our coffee table out of the middle of the room so that he has more space to roll.  He rolls to his toys, he rolls to pet Lucy, he rolls to pull Ryleigh's hair.  You name it, he rolls to it.  He also popped his first two teeth this month...and I totally forgot how ADORABLE babies with only bottom teeth are!

Those are pretty much the big events from this last month.  He is starting to push up more when he is on his tummy and since he can roll from to and from his tummy now, he enjoys tummy time a lot more.  He is grabbing for toys and getting vocal about things he wants and does not want.  He is getting better about sitting up on his own.  He can only hold himself for a couple seconds, but I bet he'll master that in this next month.  He's only a little wobbly still.

Cooper is enjoying fruits and vegetables of all kinds now.  He isn't quite a fan of the veggies though.  He is still a very laid back baby and enjoys just hanging out in his swing watching his sister and Lucy play.  He isn't as independant as Ryleigh was at this age, but that OK.  He's a people person and likes to interact with others and be a part of the action.  He also isn't as much of a dare devil as his sister was.  He does not like being tossed in the air or held up very high.  We've also played the "your gonna fall" game and he does not enjoy those games either, haha.  He continues to be the easiest baby to make laugh/smile and it makes me so happy that he is that way!  Our little Cooper has quite the personality and I can't wait for these next months when things really start happening!

Until then, we'll continue snuggling with our little cuddle bug and enjoying the convenience of a semi-stationary baby...because a mobile baby is next on our checklist.  Cooper goes to the doctor next week, so I'll be sure to post his I'm sure off the charts stats.

 He was so proud of himself after rolling over for the first time!

 then he got a little scared...haha

The following pictures are from our Fathers Day celebration for Daddy.  We had brunch at his favorite restaurant and then just spent the day enjoying our time together.  Ryleigh made Daddy a picture frame and decorated it with stamps and stickers and then put a picture of her and him in it.  Cooper made Daddy a card with his footprints on it.

 Ryleigh enjoying her pancakes

 Ryleigh will do anything to make her brother laugh...lucky for her, it isn't that hard to do

 a staredown

Ryleigh was having fun playing with the self-timer on Mommy's camera...Lucy was not as much a fan

 Cooper starting to enjoy time in his walker (which is currently stationary)

Gammy came to visit us for a couple days this month too.  We also like going to breakfast with her

showing off that brand new tooth


 morning cartoons in Momma's bed

Don't know what we're going to do when he outgrows this swing...which doesn't seem too far away

The following pictures are from Ryleigh and Coopers 4th of July parade at school

 Cooper and his crib buddies

His teacher said as soon as she laid him in the crib he thought it was nap time and he wanted his binkie and they got to come along for the parade as well.

 Just a typical morning when Mommy is off of work

 Ryleigh sharing her leappad

The following is a little photo session Mommy had with Cooper.  He was very smiley on this particular day and was having lots of fun playing with his new toy.

 Look! Two teeth!

snuggling with Mommy

cheesin' it up

I really enjoy the following photo progression:

 Aww, sibling love...

 "hey, don't pull my hair Cooper!", a safe distance away from eachother

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