Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cooper is Five Months!!!!!

Cooper at Five Months
(June 14, 2013)

I can't believe ANOTHER month has just flown by!  Our little Cooper just keep growing and growing.  He is a "solid" little thing needless to say.  This past month he has started eating baby foods more frequently and is lovin' him some fruits and veggies.  So far he has shown no allergies, so here's hoping to an allergy free child : )

He is still pretty lazy though.  He has yet to roll himself over (other than on the couch where I'm pretty sure the slant of the cushions help that along) and during tummy time he doesn't really seem to care to try pushing up on his elbows or anything.  It's kind of funny to watch him lay there on his tummy with his face buried in the carpet because he has no desire to exert any energy to lift his head, haha.  Don't get me wrong, he will lift his head and even rocks from side to side a little bit...just not that often.  He'll get there though, we have faith!

He has started reaching more for toys and his bottle.  He loves to spend time on his playmat where he can grab the dangling toys and watch Lucy as she plays nearby.  I plan to spend a little more time this next month working on his upper body strength and balance.  Hopefully we can get his to be sitting up on his own in the next few months.  He's still pretty wobbly though.

Other than that, not too much to report this month.  He is sleeping through the night more consistently, but he still isn't reliable with that....which aggravates Mommy & Daddy since he seems to enjoy midnight feedings more on Friday & Saturday nights >:(  But all in all, Cooper is an extremely happy baby and will smile and laugh at you if you just glance in his direction.  I fear he will be quite the little charmer.  But I'll let you be the are some pictures and videos from Coopers last month.

I'll first put up some pictures from Mother's Day, since for whatever reason I forgot to post pictures from Mother's Day in my last are a few of me and my babies : )

Now for pictures from this past month....

Happiest. Baby. Ever.

sucking on a green apple

those eyelashes!

very serious....

...but Daddy always makes me laugh

with the Goose


teaching Daddy and thing or two about computers

my lazy bums

Morning Facetime with Yaya

what was he so engrossed in watching?  Hockey.

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