Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Cooper is Seven Months!!!!!!!

Cooper at 7 Months
(August 14, 2013)

This past month has been fairly eventful.  Cooper did master sitting up just like I predicted he would.  Our little guy is able to sit by himself and play with toys, look at books, watch TV and pet Lucy now!  The best part is Mommy can now walk away into the kitchen and be productive and Cooper can still see her over there, YAY!  Cooper has also popped his first top tooth this month.  He now has 3 teeth and I'm sure that fourth will be on it's way shortly.  Mommy and Daddy left Cooper for the first time with a babysitter (who wasn't Yaya or Gammy) and we discovered that he is definitely a Momma's boy.  He did eventually warm up to Miss Toni, but he was not too thrilled with the idea.  He is starting to raise his arms up to be held and when Mommy picks him up from daycare he practically dives into my arms from his teachers...which of course makes Mommy smile : )   

Because Cooper can now sit up on his own, bathtime is becoming much more exciting for him.  He likes to splash around with his hands and kick with his feet.  Just like his sister, he seems to have no fear of the water!  We are very excited to get him into a swimming pool later this month : )  Cooper is consistently sleeping through the night now and is falling into a nap/bedtime routine.  He continues to eat more and more fruits and veggies and I just bought my first container of puffs that I'm hoping we can try out soon.

We're hopeful that in the next month Cooper will start the beginning stages of scootching and crawling around!  If not, that's ok.  We'll have enough to report about because we get to see sooooo many people in the coming weeks.  Gammy, Grandad, Uncle Dave, Aunt Cristin, Tyler, Kylie, Yaya, Poppi....we can't wait for Month Seven!! It's gonna be great!  But here are some of the highlights from last month... 

sometimes Daddy is the best nap partner

rollin around

a little Daddy/Cooper selfie

Cooper starting to sit by himself

just lounging

Mommy is so silly

but she makes me laugh

And I meant to do a completely seperate post a couple weeks ago, but totally forgot!  So here are some pictures of Mommy and Ryleigh having fun with her "sprinkle water" on a hot day : )

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