Saturday, May 25, 2013

Cooper is Four Months!!!!

Cooper at Four Months
(May 14, 2013)

Month four seems to have passed us by so quickly!  Cooper didn't see the doctor until this past Wednesday, but he is weighing in at 16.8 lbs. and is 26 1/2" long!  Our little guy is measuring the size of a 9 month old!  Holy percentiles!  Funny thing is, he is 1/2" shorter than Ryleigh was and .8 lbs heavier than she was, so it's no surprise that he feels much heavier than she ever did.  Baby boy's got quite the noggin too measuring in at 16 1/2".  I guess we just make 'em big : ) 

It has been interesting adjusting to our new schedule with Mommy back at work and Cooper going to daycare, but we seem to be getting the hang of it.  Cooper is sleeping through the night much more frequently now that he is on a schedule.  The last few weeks have been a little hectic though since Mommy is training for her new position, the schedule and routine we were following has gotten a little jumbled.  But Daddy is doing a great job picking up where Mommy can't right now!!  Sadly it is making Mommy feel like she never gets to see her babies...but I'm hopeful that will change when my training is over and I fall back into my routine again.

We started this month off with a visit from Yaya.  She came to mostly see the babies, but also to help out Mommy while Daddy was in New Orleans for work for the week.  Even though I was still having to go to work, this week felt so much like a vacation with Yaya around!  I was able to go to work, then come home and actually eat dinner without interuptions then have a glass a wine and relax while Yaya fed, bathed and put the little ones to bed.  I think I need a full-time Yaya ; )  On my days off, we all ventured out and Ryleigh got to bounce around at Monkey Joes and she really enjoyed going to the Greensboro Childrens Museum.  Cooper had lots of fun watching his sister run around like a crazy person and believe it or not, all the activity wore him out just as much! 

Not too much has happened with Cooper this month though.  I was hoping he would have started rolling over by now, but he seems to be perfectly content laying on his back.  His teachers at daycare say he isn't a fan of tummy time, but they continue to work with him to try to get him rolling!  They also say what a joy he is to have in their class!  He is such a happy baby and is SOOOO easy to make laugh and smile.  He is starting to grab for things when he sees them and has even been adventurous enough to try and grab his sisters spoon right out of her hand!  He has started eating baby food, but not much, just apples and pears so far.  He does really well eating from a spoon and is getting used to the new textures.  I'd say our big boy doesn't have any issues with missing meals : )

We're looking forward to the upcoming summer with Cooper and getting him into the swimming pool and out doing lots of things!  Until then, here are some pictures from the past month.

Coopers favorite plug

enjoying some beautiful weather

so much fun at the Greensboro Childrens Museum...

Mommy and Babies..oh, and a giant frog.

grumpy face

Cooper is only 10" shorter than his his sister

*sidenote: take more pictures of Cooper and Daddy.

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