Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Weigh In Wednesday

"When is your baby due?"  A question I thought I was done hearing 3 months ago. 

I thought wrong >:/

Can you believe it?!  Twice in one day I got that question!!  Now, I know I'm no skinny minnie, but c'mon!!  I was willing to forgive people when they asked me one month after having Ryleigh, because let's face it, I still looked pregnant...but now?  There is no way I look pregnant.  Chubby, maybe.  But not pregnant...and definitely not pregnant enough to ask! needless to say week 4 started off rocky.  BUT, to hopefully make myself feel better I decided I would try on a pair of pre-pregnancy pants to see if they fit.  I figured if they didn't, I was already feeling down, so it wouldn't matter, but if they fit, well maybe it would give me the uplifting boost of confidence I needed to get myself motivated this week.  So what was the verdict?  THEY FIT!  Just barely (I think I heard the zipper crying), but a step in the right direction.  And I thought right...a great boost of confidence : )

So what did I do this week?  As I said in last weeks blog, I started week 1 of boot camp of The Supermarket Diet from Good Housekeeping.  It gives me a fully planned menu of 1,200 calories a day to follow for 2 weeks.  It really wasn't as hard to go down to 1,200 calories as I thought it would be.  What has been the most hard is not snacking at night...oooo I miss my 10pm nibbles!!  I won't be posting any recipes today, because while The Supermarket Diet has some ok food on it, none of my meals really blew me away, so it's a good thing I only do this part of the diet for 2 weeks.  I posted the menu below, but since I doubt anyone will be able to read it, here is the link to the menu on their website.

The menu was easy to follow and stick to this week.  Dieting is actually getting easier and easier.  I have much less cravings now.  What I am most proud of this week is my exercising.  I worked out 6 days in a row!!  Nothing too intense, a couple days for 20 mintues and a couples days for 40.  I found this exercise plan on my OnDemand, so I went to the website, downloaded it, and now I'm following it.  It's called the 10 lbs Slimdown, and while I am not looking to lose 10lbs. in 1 month (although it would be nice), I liked that it had a month worth of work outs all planned out for me.  It's a lot easier for me to stay motivated when I have something planned out, ya know?  I posted the schedule below, but you can download your own here.  All you need is Exercise TV OnDemand and the 10 lbs. Slimdown has it's own category.  The nice thing is that I can actually start seeing results from working out.  My lovehandles don't seem as big and I can actually start to feel muscles again in my stomach!!  Who knows, maybe I'll get a six-pack out of this ; )

So.  How did I do this week?  3 pounds down.  HOORAY!  I've lost a total of 11pounds in One month!  And on top of that, I'm only 4 pounds away from having lost all my baby weight!  At this rate, my goal of being back to my normal weight by the time we go to California in April can totally be accomplished!  So next week the plan is to to do Week 2 of Boot Camp for The Supermarket Diet and continue following the workout schedule above.  Let's hope I see the same results...and less people asking me when my baby is due!!

Also, I just want to say thank you to everyone who is following my weight loss and being supportive of it.  It's hard to stay on track  and stay motivated, but knowing that I have so many people rooting for me, really helps me stay focused : )  Thanks everyone!!


  1. Good job! Its such a struggle. I've been trying to loose the baby weight and prebaby weight for 3 months doing weight watchers and down 12 lbs. Im 10 lbs under what I was before baby rheagan but not small enough. Have u noticed having a baby just changed how u look?

  2. Yaaay! Every pound counts. On your way to your goad....keep it up.

  3. your goal. I need to proof read better. :-(

  4. Yay!! Good job :) Your April goal is definitely attainable! And that 10lb Slimdown thing is cool. Do you think they have it on WOW here??

    P.S. I can't believe people are still asking you that. How rude :(

  5. Ashlee...yes I do notice that my body is different. I'm not sure if that's just how I am going to be now, or if I'll go back after I've lost all my weight. I hope it goes back or else I'm going to have massive thighs for the rest of my life.

    Veronica...I'm not sure if they would have it on WOW. It's through Exercise TV, so if you have that channel, you would. I guess just check your OnDemand channels...thats how I found it.
