Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ryleigh is Four Months!!!!

Ryleigh at 4 months (February 15, 2011)

Technically, she was four months yesterday...but we didn't go to the Doctor until today, so I figured I would wait so that we could have all the stats.  Not so little Ryleigh now weighs 16 pounds and is 27 inches long!!  She is in the 95th percentile for weight and is off the charts for height.  The doctor says she is very healthy and looking good : )  So now on to the pictures....

Month four has been nice and relaxing after a very busy month three.  It has also been a VERY vocal month.  Ryleigh is starting to voice her opinion a lot more lately and it is adorable...loud...but adorable.  She has also discovered her feet and loves to put her toes in her mouth.  We haven't really hit any more milestones this month, but that's ok, we're growing and absorbing everything we see. 

voicing her opinions about breakfast

trying to eat her feet while eating breakfast

This month Ryleigh started physical therapy with Miss Flavia for her neck.  Ryleigh has a mild case of Torticollis, which is a tightness in her left sternocleidomastoid muscle (the muscle that stretches from behind the ear to the clavicle bone).  So to loosen the muscle and to help get her neck rotation and head alignment corrected, we go see Miss Flavia every other week for a work out.  Between visits Mommy and Daddy do stretches at home to help move the process along as well.  Miss Flavia says Ryleigh is looking really good and moving along great!  She should hopefully only need a few more sessions.  Miss Flavia also says that Ryleigh is the longest baby she has ever worked maybe we have a future supermodel on our hands : )

Also this month, after spending a week with just Mommy while Daddy was in Allentown, PA for work, Gammy and Grandad came to visit for a long weekend.  Ryleigh hasn't seen them since Christmastime, so it was nice to be able to spend some time with them.  They were very excited to see her and couldn't believe how much she has grown in such a short time.

 with Grandad

 Mommy, Ryleigh and Grandad

 Gammy feeding me breakfast

chillin' with my Gammy on our last night

Well that is pretty much all the exciting things from this past month.  Now enjoy some of our favorite pictures and videos from this month.

Ryleigh steals the spoon and tries to feed herself

bonding with Daddy

Ryleigh spews during tummy time...Mommy tries to catch it with her hand

Ryleigh gets ahold of Mommys phone & tries to eat it for breakfast

funny tummy time laughs


  1. I love it all. Love the bonding time with Daddy. Love her "Ryleigh talking". Love her smiles. Love how Mommy finds it very funny when she spews. Love ALL the smiles. I can not wait to cuddle my big girl.

  2. OMG she is so sweet!!! And big. We all knew she was gonna be tall though - look at mommy and daddy. Love the picture of her big blue eyes and paci, her and Luce playing, with the blanket over her head....oh, who am I kidding?? I love them all!! Haven't had a chance to watch the videos yet but I'm sure I'll love them just as much. Glad to hear her therapy is going well! Can't wait to see you guys again soon hopefully.
