Obviously we did not take our little munchkin with us to Paris. I really, really wanted to though. I had images of Ryleigh running down the Champs Elysees in her little peacoat and beret, turning back to grab another bite of her baguette from me...but sadly, this didn't happen.
I knew I was going to have to fly to Paris alone and there was no way I was going to tackle an 8 hour flight with a 16 month old alone. On top of that, I left Greensboro at 2pm and arrived in Paris at 8am, so there was no way she would be able to handle that time change. So I quickly came to terms with the fact that I would have to leave my sweet baby at home, which rose the question, who will watch her for 7 days?! And not just that, but who will we trust to watch her for 7 days?!
Yaya to the rescue.
We didn't even have to ask the question. I brought up the trip, and the answer was there instantly. "That sounds amazing. Just let me know the dates and I'll be there to watch Ryleigh". I seriously couldn't ask for a better Mother. As soon as our flights were booked, so was Yaya's. She flew in from California the day before I left and then not only did she stay while we were gone, she then stayed 4 extra days after to watch Ryleigh so we could get back onto US time. I mean, c'mon! How awesome is she?!
Pretty awesome. And because she's so amazing and did this for us, I can look past the fact that she let my daughter play with the diaper rash cream tube, so now every time I change her diaper she insists I give it to her to chew on. Or the fact that she taught her Ring Around the Rosie, so now she wants to spin in circles in the living room for hours on end. Or the fact that she let her play on her IPad, so now I had to download games onto mine and allot Ryleigh her own time to spend on it. Or how about the fact that Yaya taught her how to flush the toilet so now every time she enters a bathroom she insists on pushing the lever?
Sigh. As I've spent this last week re-training my daughter, I find myself saying "you got an awesome vacation out of this...she will be normal again!"
But in all seriousness, we are beyond lucky to have family in our lives that are willing to do these kinds of favors for us. To fly from west coast to east coast and spend almost 2 weeks away from her job and husband so that the hubby and I can spend time together is amazing. Ryleigh loves her Yaya and we love watching her get to spend quality time with her. It really is amazing the things she taught our baby girl in just one week. Thank you Yaya for allowing us to go on this vacation and for providing a steady, stress-free and fun atmosphere for Ryleigh to spend those days away from us in. We were able to enjoy ourselves so much more because we knew you were there to ensure that our baby was having fun, but not deviating from her schedule and what she knows too much. And of course, the pictures you posted on Facebook and the (almost) daily facetime sessions helped as well ; )
So, I know everyone was interested in seeing how we spent our vacation, but now here is how Ryleigh spent her vacation....
and so it begins...
all smiles...so happy to be with her Yaya
Lucy is starting to take advantage of Mommy & Daddy being gone
mmm french fries
reading Yaya's Pooh Bear book to her
clearly talking business...it is a weekday, ya know?
good morning Lucy!
Mommy was surprised to see that Yaya got Ryleigh's feet into these shoes
hugs for her "beebee"
her favaorite book/song...Monkeys on the Bed
because big girls feed themselves : )
facetime with Mommy and Daddy
Such a morning person...I don't know where she gets it from

and now we have to do this EVERY bath time
begging for M&Ms
"Look Uncle Jason & Aunt Bekah, I still love the noisy drum you got me for my baby shower! I'll be sure to get baby Olivia one just like it!"
I mean, does anybody else see her Daddy here?!
hugs for my peek-a-boo bear
She's a great balancer
"What? This is how I relax."
awwww Lucy Goosey
hello bedhead
mmmm...waffles and bananas
best friends : ) it's actually quite the love-hate relationship
"Yaya lets me play with plastic bags!"
"oh, just kidding, it's a plastic shower cap. totally legit and not at all a suffocation hazard"
begging for the Ipad...and now you see what I have to deal with.
going down the slide all alone!
showing Yaya how to slide down
OK...this was TOO cute. Ryleigh hadn't seen her Daddy in 10 days, so I made sure to let Daddy get his hugs and kisses in first. Our little girl LIT UP when she saw her Daddy coming down the escalator, yelled "DEEDEE" and couldn't squirm out of Yaya's arms fast enough to run to her Daddy. If you look at the guys in the background, you can see how adorable the encounter was. I wasn't the only one who's heart melted.
total blast to Mommy's ego when Ryleigh kept reaching for Daddy when I was trying to get my kisses in!
it's OK, we made for it during snuggle time : )
The day after we arrived home, my grandparents (Yaya's Mom & Dad...or GGma and GGpa) came up for the weekend from Florida. Sadly, Mommy and Daddy had to hop right back into the work week, but the important thing is that Yaya and Ryleigh got to spend time with GGma and GGpa. From what I was told, Ryleigh ran right up to GGpa and gave him big hugs and kisses when he arrived. She has always loved her some GGpa : ) By the end of his visit she was calling him "Papa" and pointing him out in pictures!
snuggling. because what else would you do with a blanket on the floor?
Yaya finally sneaking in some pics with her little girl
more Lucy...she looks like she might need some lovin'
sittin' like a weirdo
with Yaya before she pushed my baby down the hill of doom : /
That car could have easily toppled over...I'm just sayin'
loves hearing her feet stomp on the deck
sometimes you just have to create your own fun
still enjoying the learning table from Uncle Jason and Aunt Bekah
look at those baby blues...you're welcome : )
double tasking....she's definitely her mother's daughter
Ring Around the Rosie with Yaya.......curse you Yaya with your childish games!!!
Mommy was making silly sounds and it was funny. See, I can be fun too!!
And in conclusion...We love you Yaya and we had so much fun with you, but I would like to point out that after 10 days with you, my child is still using her binkie, still attached to her lovey, is not potty-trained, and is now climbing out of her crib. This is now the type of child I'm left with....
Well done Yaya. Well done.
; )