I would like to start this blog post off by wishing everyone a happy new year! 2012 is here and man has it come in with a bang over here at Casa Richardson. Before I get into how we spent our holiday vacation, I want to share that I have been given another promotion at work : ) I am now a Senior Team Lead, which means that I have more manager duties and will actually sometimes be acting as the manager on duty. It is very exciting because it is reassurance that I am doing something right and that my hard work is being recognized by those that I work with. It is a temporary promotion for now pending some things going on with other team members at work, but I hope that it will become permanent later on in the year. Prayers please!
Now for the good stuff....
I titled this blog "Red Solo Cup" for a couple of reasons. First, because my Father insisted on singing the song every time he spotted one. I don't know if that's because it just popped into his head when he saw it or if it was because he knew that if he started to sing it, we would
all be singing it the rest of the day. One day he even insisted we watch CMT until we heard it! Misery loves company, I guess ; ) And secondly, it seemed appropriate because in a 10 day period, my name was written on 4 different red solo cups in 4 different households...so I believe it sums up the vacation best.
To start out our trip, we left our home here in North Carolina on December 22nd and didn't return until January 1st. Woo...that's a lot of family time! But it was sooooo worth it. As exhausting as the travel may be and as tedious as the packing may seem, it's all worth it when we get to spend quality time with those we love.
We started out our trip on the 22nd, leaving in the morning. Ryleigh is now old enough that traveling through the night seems more like a nuisance rather than a blessing and she did really well on our way. She watched NUMEROUS episodes of
Olivia, napped a little (but only about an hour total) and enjoyed running around the rest areas when we stopped and feeding Lucy cheerios from her car seat. We decided to stop at the hubby's brother & sister-in-law's house on the way, cutting our drive by about 2 hours. It doesn't seem like much, but we learned that Ryleigh's car seat threshold is about 8 hours...so when we pulled into Dave & Cristin's drive-way at hour 10, it was heaven. We were so happy to be able spend the evening and most of the 23rd with Dave, Cristin, Tyler and Kylie. The 7 of us rarely get to spend time alone, so to be able to watch the cousins run around together and the hubby and his brother banter back and forth while Cristin and I sip wine and talk motherly/wifely things is refreshing. It's times like this that really make me wish we were all closer together, especially now, as their kids are getting older and our family is growing. It makes me think back to when Tyler and Kylie were babies and how we were there for them through those years and how I wish Ryleigh could spend more time with her Aunt and Uncle and cousins. But regardless of the time between visits, it never really seems like any time passes, we pick up where we left off. Ryleigh has a soft spot for her Uncle Dave and loves kisses from her Aunt Cristin : ) It warms my heart to see so much love for my little girl, especially when Tyler, my 9 year old nephew uses that soft, high-pitched voice when he talks to Ryleigh, or when Kylie brushes the hair from Ryleigh's eyes and yells at the dogs for being too rough around the baby. I just can't wait until the next time we're all together!

Sleeping Angel on the drive up
Tyler enjoys the evening cartoons with his cousin
Kylie spends time with Ryleigh and Lucy
Aunt Cristin plays with the kids as they decorate cookies for Santa
Aunt Cristin helps Ryleigh decorate her cookie for Santa
Tyler and Kylie give some decorating advice
...or maybe this cookie won't be left for Santa...I'm sure he won't be disappointed
Shortly after our arrival in Michigan, Yaya & Poppi as well as Uncle Jason & Aunt Bekah arrived in Michigan! This year we all stayed at my Uncles house for the days we were all in town together. It worked out really well considering this is the first time we have all been able to stay together over the holidays. We even had the house to ourselves on Christmas Eve night & Christmas morning. A true Elliott Christmas : ) The days were busy going back and forth between families and what not, but again, it's always nice to spend time with people you love and don't get to see that often. Ryleigh was super happy to see her Uncle Jason & Aunt Bekah again, but I think she was most excited about their newest addition, Gordie. She had so much fun chasing him around the house (or was it the other way around?). They were so cute together! And it was even cuter to watch Lucy get all protective of her baby when Gordie got a little too "rough" with her.
"Here Gordie, try out my binkie"
We started Christmas Eve off with breakfast with the Elliott's. We spent the day at Aunt Lori & Uncle Joe's eating, opening gifts, and enjoying each other's company.
Yaya teaches Ryleigh (and Uncle Dale) how to use the Ipad
Lucy's first "pink guy" of the holiday season
Poppi is very excited about his welcome pineapple ornament
Westie clothes for baby Olivia
Palm tree ornaments from the "west-coasters"
Aunt Lori & Grandpa Elliott
Grandma Elliott gets a kick out of her new "family portrait"
Ryleigh's first Olivia gift of the season
Ryleigh's first ornament of the season
she really enjoys her toy from Uncle Dale
her shopping cart from Yaya & Poppi...that they just had to put together
playing with her new learning table from Uncle Jason & Aunt Bekah
Christmas Eve then followed tradition with the Elliott/Thornbro celebration that night. This was the first time in many years that we were all actually in attendance. Not one single person was missing. All 37 of us, plus 2 buns in the oven! Man how we've grown! It's crazy how fast my cousins are growing up, college and high school students now! I remember changing their diapers! I guess that means I'm just getting older : / Ryleigh had lots of fun running around with Bella (2 1/2 years old) & Mackenzie (3 years old) on Christmas Eve and it was nice to see her play with kids her age.
So proud of herself for eating
Aunt Bekah poses with her little guy
Daddy, Uncle Jason & Nate
Patti & Mackenzie waiting patiently
Bella with her Mimi and Uncle Rick
Mommy, Ryleigh, Michelle (& her bun in the oven)
The "wise generation"...Grandpa Elliott & Uncle Charles
A glimpse into what an Elliott/Thornbro Christmas looks like
Love spending time with my Uncle Jason
Bella shows her Uncle Nate how to use a drill
Uncle Joe keeps Ryleigh occupied for a while
Uncle Jason up to no good >: /
Exhausted & ready for bed
When we arrived home, Lucy & Goride had to open their gifts from each other. Lucy, unlike Gordie, doesn't know how to open her own gifts, but Gordie sure knows how to rip into his package!
...but first they have to burn some energy
the exchange
Gordie opens his own gift like a good boy
Lucy enjoys her new bone from Gordie
Since Christmas fell on a Sunday this year, we had to move quickly through our morning of gift opening. Santa was very good to Ryleigh and brought her all Olivia toys! How did he know she was our favorite?!
Christmas Breakfast...powdered donuts, mmmmm.
Gifts for Ryleigh & Lucy from Santa
Lucy dives right in...she knows how this works!
Ryleigh's Olivia themed Christmas
Ryleigh digs into her first gift
so happy to see Olivia!
clearly this gift was meant to be stood on
getting the hang of this...
all opened and ready to be enjoyed
hmmm, which one will I play with?
so tired from opening gifts...it must be nap time
But it wasn't nap time....it was time for church! Since the whole family was in town, plus the hubby's side of the family was in town, we all attended church at Northeast Church of Christ, the church we grew up in. Then it was time to head over to the in-laws for our Richardson Christmas. We spent the evening there playing with cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and Great-Grandparents. It's always nice to see Ryleigh interacting with her great-grandparents, it always makes us smile : )
Ryleigh made a friend while playing on the stage after church
...because every child has to...
awww, we love her anyways : )
Christmas with Yaya & Poppi
with Mommy & Daddy on Christmas
Ryleigh's first gift from Gammy & Grandad
getting a little snuggle time in with Grandad
Kylie shows Ryleigh all the things her new toy does
with Heather...learning something inappropriate, I'm sure ; )
"hey, a hockey stick! Let me try that out!"
in the ball pit Aunt Cristin & Uncle Dave got her
Aunt Cristin shows Ryleigh some fun things
Daddy has a little too much fun with Ryleigh's cookie monster
Aunt Sheri protects Ryleigh from the starving cookie monster...
"oh hey, he's not that scary"
more hockey stick fun
reading with Heidi
Lucy is pooped
on day one she would scream whenever this dog was in the same room with her...I think she's over it now.
relaxing after a busy Christmas day...man, look at all those red solo cups!
The day after Christmas was spent with the Loudermilk side of the family. We had so much fun with all the kiddos and doggies running around! Victoria brought over one of her dogs, Napoleon who loved sitting on Aunt Bekah's lap. Ryleigh had lots of fun chasing around Napoleon & Gordie while Lucy stood on guard making sure they weren't too rough with her little baby : ) Sadly, after a few hours we had to say goodbye to Victoria, Andrew, Ava & Eleanor, as well as Aunt Bekah and Uncle Jason. But we had so much fun with them in the time we had! The next time we see Aunt Bekah baby Olivia will probably be on her hip instead of in her belly!
Daddy rough-houses with Ave & Eleanor
everyone looks surprised about this picture
Napoleon kisses!
sooooo happy to get kisses from Napoleon
explaining how the bounce-a-bout works to Uncle Jason
Yaya occupies the kiddies with her apps!
waiting for gifts
"hmmm, not too sure about this"
clothes for Olivia
Uncle Jason & Gordie
Ava & her Uncle Kevin
apparently all gifts should either be stood on or sat on
Veronica makes me laugh
Yaya reads to Ryleigh
walking Napoleon around the house
"lets go doggies"
who's leading who here?
goodbye kisses for Uncle Jason
the holiday festivities are over...clothing is now optional!
being silly
kisses for Yaya by the fire
our child is very good at occupying herself
Lucy became notorious for stealing everyones sofa spots once they moved from it...but how can be mad at that face?!
Ryleigh gives Yaya a workout
After this day, our trip became quite different. Ryleigh had a rough night this night and became rather lethargic the next day and towards the evening very clingy to Mommy. We could tell she wasn't feeling well and after a temperature of 102, we decided it was time to go to the Urgent Care. Just as we suspected, Ryleigh had ear infections again. She was given anti-biotics and put on a very strict Motrin/Tylenol schedule to keep her fever down. This was Yaya & Poppi's last day with Ryleigh, so we were sad that she wasn't feeling well...but a sick Ryleigh makes for a cuddly Ryleigh, which makes for a happy Yaya (not that she was happy Ryleigh wasn't feeling well...you know what I mean...).
Being able to spend so much time with my family during the holidays was amazing. We only get to do it every other year and this year was extra special because we all got to stay at the same place for the first time. I miss my family lots and really cherish the time we get to spend together!
Grandma Elliott, Ryleigh & Mommy trying to figure out what to do with our little fever child
enjoying crackers regardless
I think it's time to see the doctor...
The day after going to the Urgent Care was her worst with a steady temperature of 103. Even with Motrin she didn't break 100. Needless to say once we arrived at Gammy & Grandads for the rest of the trip, we spent lots of time inside just hanging out and trying to get better. The great thing about Ryleigh is even though she doesn't feel well, she is usually still content. Lucky for us Tyler & Kylie were at Gammy's house, so we at least had them to play with and distract from any uncomfortable feelings. They did a great job keeping Ryleigh occupied!
Ryleigh's meds
snuggle time with Gammy
lunchtime with Kylie...."hey, whatchu eating?"
Mamaw & Papaw came over to visit us ASAP
Mamaw's cane is so much fun!
I think its bedtime
with Papaw
Lucy found a quiet place to hide
mmmmm...cool whip
shhhh, don't tell Grandad we let her on the sofa while he was gone : )
"me want cookies, nom nom nom nom"
Daddy thought he had some build up in his ears, so we lit them on fire...not really though
A nice surprise was Mommy finding out she didn't have to work on January 1st, which allowed us to stay in town for New Years Eve! The whole family came over to Gammy & Grandads house where we ate, watched TV, horsed around, and played some games until midnight. Lucky for us Ryleigh's fever had broken by this time and while she was still on medicine, she was a much happier camper. She also took a much later nap that day so she was able to stay up a little later and enjoy everyone's company.
we always knew Tyler was good for something...a pillow!
Mamaw & Papaw arrive for the New Years festivities
with Aunt Cristin & Kylie
Everyone is caught dancing
Mommy tried pigtails, but our hair is still a little short for it
creme brule....ugh oh, men & fire : /
Mommy & Daddy
Ryleigh approves of Daddy's creme brule...
...and now her & Blue are in a food coma
Tyler with his "bubbly" aka sparkling grape juice
I took this next picture when we arrived home. We have to get all of this from Michigan to North Carolina.
for all of you who questioned my reasoning behind my most recent vehicle purchase
But seriously, we are so blessed to have such amazing family & friends. People in our lives that would do all of this for Ryleigh! We love you all so much and had a wonderful time visiting and sharing a part of the holiday with with y'all.
I would also like to mention our amazing friends we were able to spend an evening with...Elaine, Kyle, Megan, Jake, Hannah, Jeff, Erin, Shawn & Michelle...it's always great times with you guys! I actually went out & bought that Apples to Apples game!! We miss you guys, but truly look forward to the times we get to hang out when we're all in town.
I know this was long & I'm sorry it was so delayed...but we hope everyone had a great holiday and here's to a great 2012!!